Questions About Metal Building Roofs? We Have Answers

Trying to choose a roof type isn’t always easy. Do you want a sloped or flat roof? Maybe you prefer a roof that resembles a barn. Different style roofs for construction projects are only the start of the process. You still need to decide on a material and a popular option is metal.

Metal roofs are durable, relatively affordable, and require very little maintenance. However, even knowing this information doesn’t mean you don’t still have questions. If you’re undecided if a metal roof is the right style for your construction project, it may help to review some of consumers’ most frequently asked questions.

Are Metal Roofs More Durable Than Shingles?

Shingles are a popular option for some construction projects like homes, garages, and even sheds. However, shingle roofs typically have a lifespan of around 20 years depending on maintenance and average weather conditions. This may mean you’re replacing your roof before you’re ready to sell your property.

Another roofing option is to go with metal. A metal roof can last anywhere from 50 to 100 years on average. Best of all, metal roofs need almost zero maintenance.

How Noisy Are Metal Roofs?

Noise considerations aren’t something you normally consider when you’re researching different style roofs. However, it can be a concern if you’re considering a metal roof. If the roof is going on a structure like a shed or carport, the roof is probably going to create some noise every time it rains.

If the metal roof is on your home, noise is rarely an issue. The reason for the difference is due to the insulation and underlayment that are standard on residential construction projects. The combination of the underlayment and insulation effectively blocks out most noise. So, a metal roof often isn’t any noisier than one made from asphalt shingles.

Are Metal Roofs Energy Efficient?

Most homeowners are always searching for ways to lower utility costs. You’re thinking about installing solar panels, the home’s insulation is up-to-date, and all windows are energy-efficient. So, why are your heating and cooling costs through the roof?

The answer may actually be your roof. Some types of roofs are more energy efficient than others, and this applies to metal. Metal roofs reflect heat and sunlight helping your home stay cooling. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, a metal roof can reduce cooling costs by as much as 20%.

Does a Metal Roof Look Cheap?

Curb appeal is a priority for most building owners whether it’s a business or residence. No one wants a roof that looks cheap. Thankfully, this isn’t an issue with metal roofs. You can find metal roofs in a variety of styles and colors.

You can even find metal roofing that looks just like shingles or tiles. Best of all, metal roofing is noticeably less expensive and more durable.

Is Lighting Attracted to Metal Roofs?

Safety is always a concern during a thunderstorm or lightning storm. You know the safest place to be is indoors but what if you have a metal roof? Does this mean lighting is going to be attracted to your home?

Take a deep breath and relax. Lighting isn’t going to strike a metal roof more frequently than one made of tile or another material. Something that should give you some peace of mind is metal roofs aren’t going to catch on fire if hit by lighting.

Will Hail Damage a Metal Roof?

The answer to this question typically depends on the severity of the storm and the thickness of your metal roof. When it comes to structures like sheds and carports, metal roofs tend to be a little thinner. This means damage like dents from hail can occur.

Metal roofs on residential buildings are usually a little thicker. This can help prevent some hail damage but often not all. If the storm brings golf ball size or larger hail balls, your metal roof is probably going to be a little dinged. This shouldn’t impact its performance but you should plan on inspecting your metal roof after any strong storm for damage.

Is Rust a Problem with Metal Roofs?

All types of metal are prone to rust and corrosion. However, metal roofs are usually treated to minimize issues with rust. If your metal roof is made from steel, rust is rarely a problem. When it comes to aluminum roofs, rust can degrade its quality over time.

With that being said, you should plan on your metal roof lasting for at least 50 years or so before rust starts becoming a serious problem.

Does Snow Accumulate on Metal Roofs?

Snow accumulates on any type of roof, regardless of the type of material. To put it simply, if it snows expect it to accumulate on your roof. What does make a difference is the roof’s design.

For example, if you have a flat metal roof you’re going to need to remove the snow yourself. If the roof is sloped, there’s a good chance the snow will slide right off. The design of your roof should reflect your average weather conditions.

Can You Attach Solar Panels to a Metal Roof?

Solar panels are a great way of lowering energy costs and reducing your carbon footprint. You may even be able to take advantage of rebates and tax credits to help offset the costs. However, this doesn’t matter if you can’t attach solar panels to the roof.

Guess what! You shouldn’t have an issue attaching solar panels to your metal roof. To learn more about solar panels and metal roofing, it’s a good idea to talk to a roofing specialist.

Are Metal Roofs Fireproof?

This is a yes and no question. Metal roofs aren’t going to catch on fire but the underlayment and insulation can. The best advice is to always presume the roof can catch fire anytime there’s a reason to suspect the structure may be going up in flames.

Hopefully, the answers to these questions will make it easier for you to decide on a roof type and style. If you’re still not sure if metal roofing is the right decision, talk to a roofing professional.

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