You say it often enough and so do others. We’re talking about the phrase ‘my child’. These two little words pack a punch. You’re effectively letting everyone know this is your child. So, why do you need a court to agree with you?
If you’re in family court, and these words are popping up in your mind, you’re probably going through a child custody hearing. The process can be daunting but there are reasons why you don’t want to just walk away. There are advantages of having primary physical custody you may not have considered.
What is Primary Custody?
Understanding the advantages of primary custody is tough if you’re not sure what it is. The parent with primary custody is responsible for making pretty much all decisions regarding the child. This includes decisions concerning healthcare, education, and even religion.
Primary custody can also mean the child spends most of their time with you but this isn’t always the case. You can share joint custody with your former partner but still have primary custody. This means, the child is usually spending equal time with both parents. However, the parent with primary custody gets to make all of the decisions.
Benefits of Having Primary Custody
If you want primary custody of your child., you’re not alone. However, sometimes it’s not in the child’s best interests. If you’re working long hours or away from home several days a week or month, primary custody may not be a great option.
Remember, you always want to put your child’s needs first and this may mean giving up primary custody. This doesn’t mean you’re giving up all of your parental rights. You can still have joint custody and spend time with your child. The primary difference is you’re not making decisions regarding your child’s overall welfare.
However, if you’re thinking about filing for primary custody there are some advantages. Most of these advantages benefit your child and that’s what’s always important.
Your Child Has a Stable Environment
Children need stability, especially during their formative years. You want your child to feel safe and secure so they have the confidence to thrive. When kids aren’t sure where they’re sleeping at night, confusion and anxiety can set in. Your child is probably already feeling stress from the divorce, you don’t want to add to it. Constantly shuffling a child back and forth can be stressful for everyone.
Primary custody can help reduce your child’s feelings of stress. Your child knows where they’re sleeping each night. They can also stop worrying about having to change schools and make new friends when they have a stable home environment.
Create a Strong Parent-Child Bond
Pretty much all parents want to have a strong bond with their children. Creating a strong bond requires constant interactions. However, the quality and tenor of these interactions also make a difference.
Simply picking your child up for school and dropping them back off at home gives you the chance to spend a few minutes with your kid, but it’s not a quality interaction. You really can’t get into a discussion with your child on the short school run.
Having primary custody ensures you can spend quality time with your child. You have the time to develop and nurture a relationship based on respect, love, and understanding. This can be crucial for your child’s healthy development.
Educational Stability
Think back to when you were a kid. How did you feel about the thought of changing schools? Were you excited about the prospect of making new friends or would you resent your parents for the change? Chances are you’d feel at least some resentment. Changing schools is tough, even for outgoing children.
Primary custody helps eliminate this problem. Since your child is spending most of their time with you, staying in the same school usually isn’t a problem. This consistency can help your child achieve academic success, especially as they’re learning how to navigate school. This sense of stability also extends to your child’s healthcare.
When one parent is making the decisions, it’s easier for healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat any illnesses or conditions.
Financial Benefits of Primary Custody
Even though your child’s welfare should always be the primary concern, primary custody can also come with a couple of financial benefits. Yes, the thought of having a little more income each month is tempting.
Even if you’re not the best parent suited for primary custody, it can be tough to walk away from any financial advantages.
Child Support
Usually, the parent who doesn’t have primary custody is required to pay child support. All states recognize child support so don’t think there’s a way to get out of the required payments by moving.
Once a judge orders a parent to pay child support, it’s the law regardless of which state you call home. So, if you’re ordered to pay child support in Florida and move to Connecticut, the Sunshine State’s legal order is still in effect.
How much a parent pays in child support depends on a few factors like income and the child’s needs. The age of the minor child can also factor in. For parents with primary custody, child support payments are often necessary. The funds go towards covering things like the child’s food, clothing, healthcare, and extracurricular activities.
Tax Credit
You’re probably like most people when it’s time to file your taxes. You’re frantically searching for every possible deduction.
Did you know you can receive a tax credit for your child? However, there’s a condition. Only one parent can claim the tax credit. The parent claiming the child on their taxes is almost always the one with primary custody.
Primary Custody Should Always Benefit Your Child
If the thought of receiving child support and a tax credit has you filling out primary custody forms, stop for a minute. Think about what’s best for your child and go from there. You may be the parent best suited for primary custody or it may be your former spouse.