Developing 21st Century Skills in Students: Preparing for the Future

Skills are critical for the development of a child. It increases their employability chances. Considering the fact education introduces us to varied skills to achieve higher and social grades. Developing skills is important to adapt to the needs of the 21st Century. Today, students are taught creativity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence for a better future. 

Education is a continuous process, and to succeed in the 21st Century, you need to have a certain skill set to ensure that you can meet the necessity of modern education. There are skills like communication, self-awareness, critical thinking, and creativity. 

Modern schools aim to develop the necessary skills in students to cope with different complexities and make the process of education more integrated. 

Physical and social skills are important to caress students and make them employable for future employers. Therefore, CBSE schools in Gurgaon introduce updated plans set forth by policymakers to make the learning process more effective. These schools focus on developing modern skills in students to build character and encourage compassion and empathy. 

While we are focusing on 21st-century skills, let’s discuss some of them-

Physical Skills  

Physical activity can increase the endurance and stamina of a child. Besides education, the movement of muscles can increase the physical capability of a student. It helps in their cognitive development. 

For children, it is necessary to explore and experience the world independently. They get an idea of the outer world. The patterns of physical activity establish healthy habits that affect their whole Future.  

Physical activities like swimming or free-hand exercises can start healthy growth and development. It can help to have healthy hearts and stronger bones. Further, Muscle movements increase with engagement in playing sports. 

Skills include –

  • Exercises 
  • Swimming 
  • Cricket 
  • Football 

And, if you consider the development of the mind through an indoor sport, we would suggest Chess. It is critical to increasing the IQ of your child. It is a brilliant way of improving the cognitive skills of a child. 

The game enhances memory, planning, and problem-solving. And if you follow reports, it can potentially minimize the risk of Alzheimer’s. Further, you can use the sport to exercise both sides of the brain. 

Does it sound interesting to you?

Yet, if you think your child is too young to learn Chess, read about Laszlo Polgar and his daughters.  


Education is evolving; tutors aren’t restricted to academics to develop students or impart value to them. They focus on physical activity, which has similar qualities to a classroom.

It teaches patience and creativity and negates ways to solve problems during a match or an event. The body and mind get exercised, leading to a better student. 

Even the Best School in Gurgaon desires to introduce mens sana in corpore sano, referring to a healthy mind and body. This idea is pivotal for young students blossoming and thriving academically and socially. 

It improves balance, coordination, and reaction time by developing muscles and bones. It reduces the chances of getting affected by chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. 

Some schools for admission in Gurgaon emphasize students’ physical skills development. They want holistic student development, where their body and mind develop equally. 

Educational Skills  

Education is considered a powerful tool that can change the world, as addressed by Nelson Mandela. It develops a sense of responsibility in students and makes them better citizens. 

The concept of good and bad thrive as students instigate the learning process. It shows the importance of hard work for a human’s development and growth. 

The sole purpose of education is to cater to students to develop their thinking capabilities and evaluate and apply them in the real world. Skills developed in schools encourage creativity in students and increase their ability to solve their academic problems. 

Skills include-

  • Creativity 
  • Problem-solving 
  • Critical thinking 
  • Time Management

Besides, there are technical skills, including computer skills, to use the online learning portals. At a young age, students can learn to use the electronic device to mail, write and draw. 


After focusing on the skills, let’s dive into understanding the reason for the discussion – 

  • Academic skills are necessary to prosper in life, but with coming complexities introduced through the fusion and friction of technology and subjects, education skills will aid their success. 
  • A child with these certain skills can not only score high grades but also strengthen their footprint in the avalanche of the employability sector. Further, they will learn to think for themselves, which is important. 
  • One of the objectives of developing skills is to set the base for free thinkers and ideas to bloom to create something beautiful for them and the world.    
  • Today, students emphasize coding, encouraging creativity and increasing their interest in math. For example, schools in Israel teach young minds to learn things as per the skill gap in the country. That’s why the country has seen improved development in the technical field. 
  • Computer programming is the future, so it is important to teach your child the idea of coding to understand the world of coding. 
  • And the Best School in Gurgaon has a simple structure to develop technical skills in young minds and increase their curiosity to know how an application comes into action and continues to run.

Psychological Skills 

The diversity of skills is coherent to the needs of the 21st Century. Schools should focus on the micro and macro aspects while assisting students in their growing years. 

Skills like empathy, communication, and interpersonal skills aid students in understanding the demand of academic and social life. They are the tools of the mind that can provide holistic well-being to a child.

Here are some of the skills you should look for in a school co-curriculum school admission in Gurgaon– 

  • Empathy and emotional intelligence are necessary to develop a child and increase their capability of coping with stress and overflowing emotions. 
  • Mental skills assist students in learning comprehensively and encourage the idea of self-development through goal setting, creativity, and relaxation. It helps to build confidence in students and increases their self-awareness capability. 
  • Communication to develop social skills and learn about the culture  
  • And similarly, inter-personal skills to foster a relationship with the outer world


Creating a culture where children can learn psychology is beneficial as they grow in their schooling system. It develops the process of dealing with varied emotions that students will face in their coming university and college life. 

If we look into the reports set by the world’s top universities, they suggest we should prepare a child for failure. It sounds weird.

Because as we progress in our academics, chances of failure increase; we may fail in acquiring good grades, relationships, and extracurricular activities. Similarly, some schools for admissions in Gurgaon teach the congruent thing. 

Fail! But at the expense of learning. 

So it’s important rather than falling into the pit, students must react positively and learn to channel their emotions positively. There were several reports from Harvard, Princeton, and Oxford where students can pry the importance of failure.  

And it is meant to develop them into better students and humans. Following this, one of the best CBSE Schools in Gurgaon aims to set a similar culture to create better students.

Let’s End It On A Sounding Note

From our point of view, the world and its needs are becoming complex. Reports suggest that over 50 million people will live without an income in the next ten years. 

Therefore, if you want a safer future for kids, why not consult Pragaynam, the Best school in Gurgaon?

They are the school for admission in Gurgaon. 

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