Overnight success for any business, built from scratch, does not sound practical. In reality, every business has to strive for success, making a name for their brand, and it all is made of several factors. Human Resources, Marketing, Sales, Customer service, Administration, and many more all come together and play a role in the success story.
Every department is crucial. However, one that is often neglected is that of customer service and many companies fail to offer their customers a good experience overall which ultimately affects their brand standing. Many companies are unable to recognize the important elements of customer service and end up giving subpar assistance to their customers…
Compromising on customer service is a big NO-NO. And we can take that from some great examples such as Cox customer service where the customers have 24/7 technical assistance available regarding the telecom provider’s services, along with easy ways of bill payment, extensive channel lineups, and high internet speeds without any compromise on quality. Such customer services only set a high bar for every market brand. There is no reason for any business to lag in this department as this can be a make or break.
On a quite bright side, customer services are not difficult to set up, nor hard to ensure their high quality. There are just some elements that are crucial and if they are all in line, then you have found an exemplary CS. Intrigued to find out? Let’s dive in!
1. Offering Prompt Assistance
Keeping your customers waiting for assistance will cost you for sure. Be it in the form of you being unable to answer their query related to a simple size chart, or you did not quote a price. They might lose interest. Time is precious and demands to be valued.
If any customer is put on wait for a long period, they are bound to get frustrated. Especially in such cases where they may be out of any service or are facing any technical issue. The inefficiency of being unable to provide any assistance promptly can be aggravating for the customer. In the end, it is your business that’s lost.
2. Being Professional
Every member of the staff must be professional, generally, and especially for any customer that may walk into the store, or dial your number. No matter what the situation is, staying professional is always a crucial element of customer service.
Being level-headed at all times is the key. Yes, we understand, that it is easier said than done. However, it can be trained. And once you spot an employee staying professional in any circumstance, well then my friend, you have come across a great example of great customer service.
3. Personalization keeps it Human
People yearn for personalized conversation with customer service. They want to know that they are more than just a mere account number for the business and that they have made a great choice. Achieving personalization is not even that tricky. It is as simple as addressing the person with their name, having a little perky conversation, offering prompt resolution, and most of all; remembering them for later. This makes the customer loyal to the business.
4. Patience is the Primary Key
Customer service, although the most important department of any business, is the hardest to run when it comes to patience. People make the call or barge into the stores with all sorts of attitude, harsh tones, and even some are ready to throw their hands. However, a customer service representative has to stay calm, maintain his professionalism, and show patience. It is the most difficult of them all.
Only if one is trained in patience, only then stellar customer service can be ensured.
5. Keeping a Proactive Approach
Keeping your customers in the loop, especially in such cases where something may have gone wrong, is an example of outstanding customer service. Be it in the form of you taking responsibility for anything going wrong, or you informing your customers about any issue they might come across, it is all important.
In a recent instance of a beauty brand One Size, when the customers faced issues with the cult-favorite setting spray. The owner, Patrick Starrr came forward recognizing the problem going on, and letting the customers know the root cause. Along with the accountability, Starrr also offered a replacement to the customers with the specific batch in hand.
Talk about customer service, right?
Wrapping Up
Having effective customer service is an integral factor in attracting more customers, and retaining the existing ones. So, regardless of whatever scale or height your business may be at right now, the quality of customer service must never be degraded, nor compromised even slightly. If anything, a business must always stay aware of the changing trends and keep introducing ways for ensuring customer satisfaction.