Millions of emergency room visits occur yearly due to personal injury accidents, which may not necessarily be from car accidents. Other accidents such as accidental burn losses, dog bites, slips and falls, and medical complications are also major causes. You need a lawyer to avoid costly mistakes if you have suffered a loss due to a personal injury accident.
Personal injury claims might seem easy to file, but the compensation is usually low when victims settle cases themselves. The cases victims fight on their own often settle for less than the amount they are owed. Worse, the amount is less than they need to be “made whole.”
Pitfalls in a Personal Injury Claim Settlement Process to Avoid
There are certain pitfalls that people who have suffered a personal injury must avoid if they want fair compensation for their losses. Your ability to avoid these mistakes will determine how much you get in compensation – or if you get anything at all.
1. Not Filing on Time
Statutes limit personal injury claims; filing after this has expired means one has no case. Each state has its statute of limitations – Texas, for instance, has theirs two years following the accident date. You should be aware of your state’s statute of limitations and ensure you file your claim before it expires.
2. Delaying a Doctor’s Visit
Before anything else, accident victims should always first visit a doctor. If you visit a doctor too long after the accident occurred, the visit could be linked by the defense to something besides the accident.
Moreover, the doctor’s visit is an important piece of evidence you will use; it will go far in court. Therefore, even if it will cost you an expensive ambulance ride, you should see a doctor immediately after the incident.
3. Settling the Case
You will deal with insurers while your case is ongoing, and you should know that they care about one thing alone: their bottom line. Insurance companies are not too concerned about your recovery; they simply want to not have to pay a lot. They will often deny your claim, and even if they do not and they offer compensation, it is typically less than you need.
They will also tempt you with quick money that may seem like a large sum at the time but is actually much less than you deserve. Before accepting the money, understand that you cannot reopen the case once you do. Therefore, you should have a lawyer present to negotiate with them; trust them to get you a fair amount.
4. Assuming Your Case Does Not Qualify
Another mistake personal injury victims make is to assume their case does not qualify for compensation. Do not assume; consult a lawyer and let them explain the specifics to you. Even if the lawyer eventually tells you your case does not qualify, asking is still better than assuming.
Many cases fall into the personal injury category, including product liability, medical liability, dog bites, and workplace accidents. Before you write off your chances, consult a professional in the field first; they will likely see evidence you overlooked.
If you were involved in a personal injury accident, try to avoid these common mistakes. Also, do not forget to collect evidence of the accident scene, such as medical bills, police reports, and witness accounts. Attorney Roger K. Gelb of Gelb & Gelb, P.C. advises, “When you collect evidence, keep it safe, as the success of your claim ultimately depends on it.”