T-Bone Accidents: Causes, Injuries, and Legal Options

T-bone accidents occur when one car crashes into the side of another, forming the shape of the letter T. Also known as broadside collisions, these accidents are far too common, accounting for about 23 percent of fatalities on US roads in 2020.

Given the prevalence of T-bone accidents, it is essential to learn about their possible causes, injuries, and legal options. Here is what you need to know about these accidents.

Causes of T-Bone Accidents

T-bone accidents often occur when one motorist fails to yield the right of way to another motorist. These collisions are common at traffic intersections controlled by a stop sign or light.

Drivers can cause T-bone accidents due to various reasons, including distracted driving, speeding, drunk driving, ignoring the rules of the road, and reckless behavior on the road. Some accidents also happen because of weather conditions such as rain and snow. Nevertheless, it is vital to determine if the broadside coalition was caused by negligence so that you can hold the responsible party accountable.

Common T-Bone Accident Injuries

T-bone accidents often result in severe injuries since the side of a vehicle does not offer adequate protection against collision. Common injuries resulting from these crashes include broken bones, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), pelvic injuries, burns, and chest injuries.

While some victims may take some time to recover from T-bone accident injuries, others could suffer permanent disability, making it hard to perform daily tasks like walking, dressing, and eating. If the impact of the crash is significant, the victim can even lose their life.

Determining Who Was at Fault During a T-Bone Accident

Either party in a T-bone collision can be held liable for damages, depending on the circumstances of the accident. In many cases, finding the at-fault party is easier, especially when one driver ignores the rules of the road.

However, if you plan to recover damages from the accident, you must prove that the other driver acted negligently. That means showing that the at-fault party failed in their duty to ensure the safety of other road users. You will need witness statements, accident reports, photos from the scene, medical records, and other evidence to prove your claim.

Sometimes, neither driver is to blame for the accident. For example, a T-bone accident can happen due to a poorly designed road or a mechanical failure on the vehicle. In this case, the local government or the vehicle manufacturer can be held liable for any damage caused.

Legal Options in a T-Bone Accident

You may have several legal options after a T-bone accident. Therefore, it is vital to scrutinize each option before making a decision.

If you have been injured in a broadside collision, your health insurance will pay for your medical care. However, this might not be the best option, as it does not cover other losses associated with the crash, such as lost wages or car damage.

In addition, if you live in a no-fault state, your personal injury protection (PIP) plan could cover your medical bills and lost wages. However, PIP policies only cover a certain percentage of accident expenses, leaving you with some out-of-pocket costs.

“If a T-bone accident was due to the fault of another driver, you can pursue compensation from the responsible party through a personal injury lawsuit. This may be the best option to recover maximum compensation for your injuries and damages,” says injury attorney Rich Godshall.

It is highly advisable that you consult with an experienced personal injury attorney for guidance before filing your lawsuit.

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