A Look At The Benefits of a Small Move

Very few people are excited at the prospect of moving—sure, they may be excited about their new address but the moving process isn’t something they’re looking forward to. Even a small move can cause a ton of headaches, but it can also have a few benefits.

Understanding the benefits of small moves may not make the process more enjoyable but it can help it seem like less of a dreaded chore.

What is a Small Move?

If you’re not sure what a small move is, the definition is pretty simple. A small move isn’t relocating down the block or in the same neighborhood. A small move can mean a trip across the country. The term refers to the number of possessions you’re planning on moving.

So, a small move is simply relocating with a few belongings. In other words, you’re not moving everything out of your old address. You’re only bringing along a few essentials.

Potential Benefits of Small Moves

Moving a short or long distance can be challenging. You may think you’ve planned for everything but something always seems to pop up, and this can apply to both small and big moves. However, small moves can have a few benefits.

Less Expensive

Small moves tend to be less expensive than relocating everything you own. Since you’re packing a few items, you’re not going to spend as much on moving supplies. You may even be able to get a lot of what you need for free.

Neighborhood stores often have boxes they’re willing to give away for no charge. Packing tape is relatively inexpensive, along with permanent markers. You can even find free and low-cost packing paper. Old newsprint works great and it’s also recyclable.

When you finish unpacking after your small move, just toss the newsprint in the recycling bin. Packing paper is also recyclable and doesn’t cost a whole lot for a roll.

Simple and Easy

Okay, moving is rarely a simple process but it’s easier when you’re only packing a few items. Organizing everything you’re planning on moving goes pretty quickly. You can also unpack and arrange everything more easily when it’s only a couple of boxes.

A few tips to help simplify the packing process is to go through each room before starting to box everything up. Create a couple of piles. One pile is for the stuff you’re moving and the other is for what stays behind. So, what do you do with the stuff you’re not taking? You have a few options.

You can hold a yard sale and take in some extra dough to help offset moving costs. Try to hold the sale on the weekends so you can attract plenty of customers. Anything left after the sale can be donated to a local charity. Did you know you may even be able to write off the donation on your tax returns?

Chances are you’re going to come across some stuff that isn’t sellable or fit for a donation. Go ahead and toss these items into the trash or recycling bin. You don’t want to leave anything behind at your old place.


Small moves usually offer more flexibility than larger ones. Since you’re not trying to ship a ton of boxes, you have a bit more flexibility on the date and time. If you’re working with a moving service, you can often fit your small move a little more easily into their schedule.

Even a small move across the country can have a little flexibility. You may even be able to check your couple of boxes at the gate as long as they meet the weight and size requirements.

Tips To Help Simplify Your Small Move

Even though small moves tend to be easier to accomplish and have a more flexible schedule compared to large ones, it can still be challenging. To help your small move go as small as possible, here are a few tips.

Organize and Declutter

We mentioned earlier it’s a good idea to organize your stuff before you start packing. Remember, this is a small move so you can’t take everything you’ve collected over the years. Now may be a good time to start decluttering your home.

Go over everything you own, including your clothes, and think about whether you need it or if the item only collecting dust. When it comes to clothing, consider does the article still fits, whether is it in style, and when was the last time you wore it. Anything you don’t absolutely need can be donated, sold, or tossed out.

Use Smart Packing Techniques

What are smart packing techniques? This means using sturdy boxes and a crate when necessary. You also want to wrap any fragile items in packing paper, bubble wrap, or old sheets and blankets.

Grab a permanent marker and label each box with the room it belongs in—for example, bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom. This will make unpacking easier and more efficient at your new address. If the box contains breakable items, label it as fragile.

A good tip is to pack one box with your essentials. These are things you use every day like your coffee pot and toothbrush. This way, if you don’t feel like unpacking the minute you arrive at your new place, you can at least brush your teeth.

Compare Shipping Prices

Some small moves call for the use of shipping services. Maybe you’re moving to another state or can’t fit the boxes in your vehicle—this is when a shipping service can be helpful.

However, shipping costs can vary from company to company. Some can even tack on additional fees. These fees can quickly add up and suddenly your small move is a major expense.

Take some time to compare shipping rates, and don’t forget to inquire about fees. You should also find out about the company’s insurance policy. Do they cover items lost or damaged during shipping? Hopefully, these tips will help your small move go smoothly so you can enjoy the benefits.

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