Your Road to Restoration

Receiving a DUI can have far-reaching repercussions that have far-reaching impacts on both your life and career.

Assuming you don’t have the legal experience needed to represent yourself effectively in court, hiring an attorney would often be best advised in such matters. An experienced professional can help ensure mistakes do not cost too dearly in terms of time or money.


An alcohol or drug related offense conviction can have devastating repercussions. Depending on your state laws, fines, jail time and suspension of license may all result from being charged with DUI or DWI. You might also need to attend alcohol/drug education programs or install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle as penalties for these offenses.

As well as DUI or DWI charges, you could also be facing DWAI (driving while ability impaired). While generally less serious than DUI offenses unless drugs and alcohol caused severe impairment. An experienced lawyer like Alan Pearse can successfully challenge any field sobriety test evidence presented by the prosecution.

Your attorney may file suppression motions to challenge the admissibility of blood or breath tests and may help get your case dropped or dismissed completely.

Legal Advice

Canadian DUI entry lawyers provide invaluable assistance for individuals who are criminally inadmissible due to a prior drunk driving conviction, helping them obtain special permission for entry. This process typically includes demonstrating their reformed nature and lack any intention to drive impaired. Details surrounding a particular case can vary considerably and depend on such variables as which state was involved, indictability vs summary offense classification and why someone wants to travel.

Evidence required can be exhaustive, and any mistakes in submission of TRP/Rehabilitation applications at the border could result in rejection. An experienced Canada DUI lawyer can ensure all documents necessary are organized for maximum chances of approval as well as assist with classification as “deemed rehabilitated”, 10 years post completion of sentence, probation and fines.

Negotiation Skills

An experienced DUI lawyer may attempt to reduce or drop many charges against their client and will often schedule hearings to present any evidence against their client that has been presented by the prosecution.

Example: They could suggest that their client’s speech impediment, extreme fatigue or their typical manner of speaking caused his/her slurring of speech or mumbling; furthermore they will challenge any evidence from breathalyzer tests as proof.

Hire an experienced DUI attorney on your side can help ensure that you can avoid conviction and keep your license, along with fines, jail time and other serious repercussions of conviction. They will ensure all procedures are adhered to correctly and any paperwork filed on time.

Access to Experts

An experienced Brampton DUI lawyer will analyze your evidence and look for any discrepancies or discrepancies that exist between what was said in court and what transpired at arrest or Breathalyzer tests taken, for example. They may present evidence showing police didn’t follow proper procedure during your stop.

An experienced DUI lawyer may also help secure you with a lesser sentence, meaning no jail time and/or no license suspension/revocation.

Your attorney can also provide access to alcohol or drug treatment programs as well as ignition interlock devices, which prevent you from starting your vehicle if there is any trace of alcohol present on your breath.


If possible, a DUI lawyer will work towards getting your charges dropped altogether through various strategies.

One way is to show that the police had no reasonable grounds for stopping you or compelling you to submit to a blood or breath test, while another way would be demonstrating that its results were inaccurate.

An attorney may help you qualify for a diversion program. These programs offer an alternative to conviction, which is particularly helpful for first-time offenders with low BAC levels.

An experienced DUI lawyer can also protect your professional licenses and memberships that are essential to your work and career, such as licensure and memberships that are essential. They may even get you classified as “deemed rehabilitated” in Canada so you won’t be denied entry due to a DUI conviction.

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