Key Industries That Benefit From pipe relining company

Pipe relining is a trenchless pipe repair method that renews drainage and sewer pipes without excavation. It involves coating the inside of degraded pipes with an epoxy resin to essentially create a “pipe within a pipe” after curing. Pipe relining company like The Relining Company use this innovative process to save considerable time, money, and disruption compared to traditional pipe replacement. Many industries are now leveraging pipe relining to restore their drainage systems. Let’s look at some of the top application areas taking advantage of this technology.

Municipal Sewer Systems

Municipalities oversee vast networks of underground sewer and stormwater drainage pipes below streets and public parks. Keeping these aging systems functioning is imperative but highly disruptive when requiring dig-ups for frequent pipe failures. Trenchless pipe relining enables cities to upgrade pipe interiors without disturbing landscapes or traffic flow. The flexibility of epoxy coatings navigates bends and junctions throughout the system. Municipalities embrace this minimally invasive solution for vital infrastructure.

Commercial Buildings

From high-rise office towers to shopping malls, commercial buildings contain miles of plumbing for bathrooms, kitchens, fire suppression sprinklers, and more. Leaky or corroded pipes lead to unsightly water damage and mold. Pipe relining restores drainage function room-by-room, avoiding walls being torn out. The epoxy seals leaks permanently. Companies appreciate the low downtime and enhanced property value.

Hospitals and Healthcare Campuses

Hospitals cannot afford pipe failure disruptions. Patient health depends on reliable plumbing. Yet constant sterilization chemicals corrode pipes over time. Relining offers a long-term fix without taking operating rooms or wards out of service. In addition, flexible epoxy coatings easily maneuver around existing infrastructure to access piping. This non-invasive approach is ideal for healthcare.


Hotels endure heavy pipe usage from baths, laundry, and kitchens. Guest satisfaction plummets when leaks disturb stays or close rooms. Trenchless relining lets hotels upgrade pipes conveniently floor-by-floor without full shutdowns. Pipes are restored after-hours and brought back online promptly. With minimal downtime, hotels can complete full system upgrades over time without revenue losses.

Schools and Universities

Aging schools often defer major pipe replacements due to insufficient budgets. Pipe relining is an affordable compromise that restores pipes utilizing existing budgets. The trenchless process avoids major demolition of parking lots or landscaping to access piping. Learning continues undisrupted while pipes are reinforced.

Food and Beverage Production

Commercial kitchens and bottling facilities utilize intensive water flows. Grease, acids, and high temperatures accelerate pipe wear. Relining adds a protective barrier that lets pipes withstand hot, corrosive flows that previously led to leaks or contamination. Beverage and food safety improves while facilities stay online. The non-toxic epoxy also prevents leaching.

Industrial Plants

Corroded pipes carrying wastewater, chemicals or high-pressure streams are hazards at industrial plants. Yet shutting down operation for pipe replacement has massive financial impacts. Relining repairs pipes of any size in place, even around active machinery. Plant productivity continues while pipe integrity is restored.

Trenchless Pipe Restoration

Pipe relining with epoxy coatings is a versatile solution bringing new life to drainage systems across many industries. The technology saves considerable costs and downtime compared to traditional pipe replacements.


As pipe networks age, pipe relining provides the ideal minimally invasive solution to keep businesses flowing smoothly.

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