My Honest and Slightly Chaotic Experience With Master Papers

Okay, I’ll just come right out and say it – I was a pure skeptic of the notion of ever using an essay writing service. To me, it just seemed lazy and something that only procrastinators would do. It also seemed a bit too good to be true. Really? Some stranger was supposedly going to give me an A on a paper that I’d been struggling with for half of the semester.

Anyway, after one too many nights of staring blankly at my laptop screen with deadlines breathing down my neck, I finally caved. I had done a few Google searches on the best writing services, and one name kept popping up – Master Papers. It was quite uncomfortable at first, having to pay cash for a service I’d never used. However, looking back, I’m glad I made that decision.

Here is an overview of my experience with Master Papers.

Setting the Bar (Maybe a Little Too) High

Okay, so let me just make something clear before moving any further. As I was paying a tidy sum for my paper, which happened to be a 1200-word art history essay, I must have set the bar a little too high. So I decided to go ahead and place the order while not clearly providing all the instructions, hoping my writer would magically fill in all the blanks.

That’s the first mistake I made and one that you shouldn’t make when ordering from paper writing services. Often, writers make mistakes simply because the instructions aren’t clear enough. So, when I got my first draft back, I was disappointed, but naturally, this was bound to happen. Luckily, my Master Papers writer sent back the draft in time to make a couple more adjustments.

In the second round, I sent a draft with enough details and attached the rubric for the assignment. This time, my writer did an impeccable job and also ensured that all my loose arguments were neatly tied up. I also needed the text cited in Chicago style, not the usual APA or MLA format. I was quite new to this formatting style, but my writer pulled it off perfectly.

Getting to Know How Professional Writing Services Should Work

I’ll admit again that I used Master Papers first as an experiment, but I was quite impressed by the results. I wasn’t sure what the outcome would be on my first attempt, but I was stuck on getting the most value for my money. On the second attempt, I was a little more confident with the result, so I decided to go for something a little more complex.

For this test, I decided to work with my writer on a 5000-word term paper, a research paper on African art history during the pre-colonial era. Since I had a few weeks to burn with this paper, I figured I would work with my writer more like a helper than anything else. So, I ordered only parts of the paper, those that I found difficult, and included some references that my writer could use and the thesis that I desired.

This time, I loved the coordination, and the draft was completed within a week. One thing I liked about my writer, who was the same person as before, was the fact that they quickly got a feel for my writing style and general approach.

Overall, the second process felt smoother than the first. Master Papers really knows how to push customer satisfaction all the way. During this week, I was constantly getting messages from an assigned support staff member asking if there was anything that could be done to improve my experience.

Confidentiality and Privacy

With services on the internet keeping user data, I wasn’t so sure if I had made the right decision to use Master Papers. What if their servers were hacked and all the data leaked? Surely, such information could be accessible to the public. Maybe they didn’t even have a server, and all that info was stored on someone’s PC, just waiting to be hacked. And then there’s that financial trail left when you pay for an order.

All assumptions and reservations aside, Master Papers are actually discrete when working with you. You can even use a proxy email address to order your paper or order right from the chat pop-up. When ordering, you only need to provide your assignment details by uploading a Word document. If you have any questions, like I did, be sure to talk to the support staff.


Master Papers offers a variety of payment options, such as debit, credit card, or even Apple Pay. However, if you’re paranoid like me, then you’ll probably want something more anonymous that doesn’t leave a trail. You can speak to a customer support staff about this and find something more flexible. I paid using a third party, and I proceeded with my order once the payment was confirmed.

You can see from the image above that Master Papers is quite affordable, especially for advanced-level types of papers. Other than that, the order procedure was quite straightforward, as you can see in the screenshot. Just choose the type of work you require, your academic level, the number of pages, and whether you prefer a premium writer or not.

What Did I Like About Master Papers?

As I rounded up this MasterPapers review, I finally came to realize that customer support is quite important when dealing with any type of online service provider. Master Papers have finessed the art of treating customers well. They’ll make you feel comfortable by constantly checking up on you and even assigning one specific support staff to your order. They also try their best to pair you with a preferred writer.

Their response time is great; you can even talk to a writer at midnight. It’s not proper etiquette, but sometimes, circumstances may force you to do so. Luckily for me, my writer was quite accommodating, and we chatted sometimes very late at night or early in the morning, notwithstanding the fact that we were probably in different cities.

Aside from these, the quality of their documents is up to par with what a professional would produce in that particular subject. Sometimes, you may want to rewrite and “lighten” some sections just because their writers go in-depth into a topic.

Final Thoughts – Master Papers Is Worth the Money

So, would I recommend Master Papers? Absolutely, but with a little asterisk next to it. If you expect every paper to be flawless the first time, you might need to be a little more flexible. But if you’re looking for a reliable service that’s there when you need it, Master Papers is your game.

For other students like myself who want to use professional writing services, do this cautiously and in addition to your own studies. You may benefit from qualified professionals who are experts in your field who will guide you on the best way to tackle tough assignments.

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