How to Increase Sales Conversion?: Effective Video Marketing Strategy

  • 87% of marketers claim video has directly increased sales
  • Video can easily outperform image with 20% more clicks 
  • Effective increases your organic traffic by 157%
  • Video content boosts conversion rate by up to 80%

Such stats show the powerful impact of video content on grabbing leads and converting them into ‘legit customers’. 

Here, you only need to exploit one tool– Effective Video Marketing Strategy.  

This includes– knowing about video types, understanding the sales funnel, assessing consumer behaviors, and using tools and resources for video marketing. 

Don’t have a team? Try out Local Eyes, one of the best video production services in Los Angeles

The Impact Of Video Marketing On Sales Conversion

The Power of Video

From viewers to customers. 

That’s the impact. 

One of the main agendas of video marketing is to show them the benefits of your product or service. This makes it way easier for the audience to understand what they’re getting. 

For this, clarity in conveying messages is the key. The more clearly they understand, the higher the chances they spend on your product. That leads to higher conversion rates. 

Engaging video is another hook. This key works to speed up the decision-making process and shorten sales cycles. Once the features persuade your viewers through interesting elements, your sales conversion can go high. 

Efficient videos keep viewers intrigued for too long. The more time they spend watching your video, the more likely they are to grab your product. The result: better audience retention. 

Here, the trick is the shorter the videos, the better. 

All these lead to a high return on investment. An effective video marketing strategy is behind the big boost in sales. 

9 in 10 marketers claim video marketing has helped them get a good ROI [Source: Wyzowl]

Understanding the Sales Funnel 

The sales funnel uses a funnel-shaped graph to show a customer’s journey— from awareness to action. The difference in video marketing is that– it uses a video format. 

Why funnel you ask? 

As the shape suggests— it narrows down as a potential client progresses through different stages of interaction with your business.

The stages mostly include:

The primary objective of a sales funnel for video marketing is to guide viewers through the above stages. This ultimately helps convert them into ‘official’ customers. 

The sales funnel makes the journey smoother for the customer. 


The goal is to let potential customers know about your brand or product. 

Keep the videos engaging and informative. This is enough to grab attention and introduce your company to a broad audience.


This is all about triggering the ‘curiosity button’ of your viewers. 

Your video will be effective only when it provides more detailed information regarding your product. That’s how it sparks the interest. 

The aim is to make them want to learn more.


Why you? 

This stage gives your audience a clear answer to this question. 

For this, your videos should show all the perks, features, and unique selling points of your product. That way, it’ll help persuade your viewers to consider it over others. 

Try product demos or explainer videos and provide more in-depth information.


Amp them up– that’s what the stage is about. 

Let your viewers know why your brand or product is the right pick. Add elements like Call To Action to the content. It’ll encourage them to do something after they watch your videos. 

This can be requesting a demo or signing up for a newsletter. 

The catch is— your videos might give all the answers but hold their attention. 


Focus on building trust. 

For this, try to include elements like— customer testimonials, feedback, and case studies in the video. 

Address any questions or concerns that might pop up. This should help build trust. 


Finally, the time your viewers become your client. 

It’s better if your videos have special offers, deals, or discounts. This can effectively grab their attention and prompt them to buy your product. 

Consumer Behavior Insights

Video content significantly influences consumer behavior through:

  • Showcasing Product Benefits
  • Building Trust
  • Enhancing Emotional Connection
  • Simplifying Decision-Making
  • Encouraging Repeat Purchases

Key Strategies for Effective Video Marketing

3 Types Of Videos For Sales Funnel

Effective video marketing is if you mix different types of videos. This helps maximize sales conversions. It might include:


Explainer videos

  • Slightly long and detailed videos.
  • Describes how the product works
  • Simplifies complex information about your products.

Demo videos

  • Videos that show your product in action.
  • Typically includes step-by-step demonstrations. 
  • The main highlights are features and benefits that can educate potential customers. 

Customer Testimonials

  • Videos talking about the success stories.
  • Includes your customers sharing their experiences and thoughts regarding your brand or product. 
  • Mostly positive with a hint of negative (i.e. stressing areas of improvement)
  • Neutral perspectives on your product help build credibility more effectively. 

Distribution Channels

Pick the right platform to distribute channels. If you want to reach a broader audience, let’s say in Los Angeles, mix different platforms. That’s the wisest thing to do!

Try platforms like:

  • Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are popular in LA. 
  • Email Marketing: Personalize video messages and send them through email. It can boost open rates and engagement.
  • Landing Pages: Videos on landing pages are the most effective. You can increase conversion rates by up to 80% (Unbounce).

Video SEO

This is like a weapon that helps your videos rank higher on Search Engine Result Pages. 

Video SEO makes sure your videos are discoverable by search engines and possible customers.

The higher the rank, the more the visibility. 

The Key Components For Video Marketing

Video Titles

Make sure it’s clear and compelling. The title should have relevant keywords. 

Try the ones that users might search for. 

For instance–

How to Reach LA Audience Through Video Marketing.

This is more effective than a vague title like “Marketing Tips”


Make sure the descriptions are well-crafted. It should be informative, keyword-rich, and have a proper CTA. 

For instance–

“Know proper ways to enhance your sales strategy through effective video marketing techniques tailored for businesses in Los Angeles. Discover the types of videos and the best platforms to convert viewers into buyers.”


Thumbnails are the first thing viewers see. This can push your viewers to click on your video or turn them away. 

To attract them, keep the thumbnails eye-catching. However, it should also clearly represent the content of your video.

This will help improve click-through rates. 

Engagement Tactics

To keep viewers hooked, consider using:

  • Interactive Videos
  • Personalized Video Messages
  • Storytelling Techniques

Case Studies of Successful Video Marketing Campaigns

Case Study 1: Personalized video messages

“Marketo raised their CTR by over 144% through personalized video messages in marketing emails” [Source: Vidyard] 

That’s a lot!

Case Study 2: Retail Brand Growth

Kevin Watts, president and founder at Raincross, saw the conversion benefits that product video has on consumers. 

He shares, “Videos that clearly show a product’s benefits and ease of use have boosted conversion rates by 30% on average.” 

Case Study 3: Service-Based Business Improvement

“86% of people say they’d prefer staying loyal to a business that invests in onboarding content, which welcomes and educates them after they’ve bought.” 

Tools and Resources for Video Marketing

Video Creation Tools

If you want to create high-quality videos, try these options–

  • Adobe Premiere Pro: A powerful tool for editing pro videos.
  • Final Cut Pro: A fav among Mac users because of its intuitive interface.
  • Canva: A tool with easy-to-use templates and graphic elements. 

Analytics Platforms

Measuring the success of your video marketing efforts is the golden key. You can use these tools to analyze the performance of your video–

  • Google Analytics

Track how your videos are performing in terms of traffic and conversions.

  • Vidyard

Offers detailed analytics on viewer engagement and video performance.

  • Wistia

Provides in-depth analytics and video hosting solutions tailored for marketers.

Video Hosting Solutions

Want to influence your reach and engagement? Choose the right platform to host your videos. Consider–

  • YouTube: The most famous one to give you extensive reach.
  • Vimeo: Popular for high-quality video hosting. You can get a more professional audience.
  • Wistia: Known for offering solid analytics and personalizing options for businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the most effective type of video for increasing sales conversions?

Surveys found product demos and customer testimonials most efficient. Choose them for increasing sales conversions. 

2. How do I measure the ROI of my video marketing campaigns?

In this case, the best tools to measure ROI are— Google Analytics and Vidyard. 

They track metrics like CTR, conversions, and viewer engagement for video marketing campaigns. 

3. What tools are best for optimizing video content for conversions?

Google Analytics and Wistia work best for optimizing video content. 

4. How often should I update my video marketing strategy?

Update your video marketing strategy once every 3 to 6 months. 

Take steps whenever the situation calls for. 

5. Can video marketing be effective for small businesses?

Absolutely! Video marketing can be super effective for small businesses. It enhances brand visibility and interacts with the target audience deeply. 

Increase Sales Conversion Through Video Marketing

Video marketing is a powerful tool!

This helps a lot in increasing sales conversions. To generate leads and make them your clients, you need a good marketing strategy. 

Make sure to understand your audience. Choose the right videos. Optimize video for SERPs. Use the right platform. Track your progress. That’s it. 

All these steps can boost your sales. 

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