Arrested for DUI in Florida? Key Steps to Protect Your Rights and Future

Being arrested for DUI in Florida can be overwhelming. A DUI conviction can lead to costly  fines, license suspension, an increase in insurance rates, and even jail time. What you do after  your arrest can greatly affect your future. Whether it’s your first DUI or not, understanding your  rights and knowing the next steps is crucial. A lawyer from Meldon Law can help guide you  through this challenging process. 

Here are key steps to take after a DUI arrest in Florida to protect your rights and future. 

Step 1: Stay Calm and Cooperate 

When pulled over for suspected DUI, it’s vital to remain calm and be cooperative with the officer. Being polite and following instructions can prevent making the situation worse.

At the same time, you have the right to remain silent. If asked whether you’ve been drinking,  politely decline to answer without an attorney. Anything you say can be used against you in  court, so it’s best to wait until you have legal representation. 

Step 2: Understand Florida’s Implied Consent Law 

In Florida, by driving, you agree to take a chemical test (like a breathalyzer) if suspected of DUI. Refusing this test results in automatic license suspension, even without a DUI conviction. 

However, you are not required to take field sobriety tests (such as walking a straight line or  standing on one leg). These tests can be refused, are often unreliable, and can lead to false  positives based on factors like fatigue or medical conditions. Refusing them won’t lead to  additional penalties, unlike refusing a breathalyzer. 

Step 3: Request a DMV Hearing 

If you refuse or fail the breathalyzer, your license will likely be suspended. You have 10 days  from the date of arrest to request a hearing with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and  Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) to challenge the suspension. Failing to act within 10 days means  automatic suspension for up to 18 months, depending on the circumstances. 

Requesting this hearing is critical, as it may allow you to keep your license. An experienced and  savvy DUI lawyer can assist you through the process and help build a strong case. 

Step 4: Document Everything 

After your arrest, take notes on everything you remember about the stop and arrest. Write down details such as the time, location, weather, and what the officer said or did. These details could  be helpful in identifying errors or inconsistencies that may strengthen your defense. 

If there were witnesses, try to gather their phone number and address. Witness testimony can  be incredibly useful in building your case. 

Step 5: Consult with a DUI Attorney 

Florida DUI laws are complicated, and penalties can be harsh, particularly for repeat offenses.  Contacting an experienced DUI attorney immediately after your arrest can help. 

A skilled attorney can: 

  • Review the circumstances of your arrest for errors or rights violations. ● Challenge the accuracy of breath or field sobriety tests. 
  • Represent you at the DMV hearing to fight for your driving privileges.
  • Negotiate with prosecutors to potentially reduce charges. 
  • Defend you in court if your case goes to trial. 

Step 6: Avoid Common Pitfalls 

After your arrest, be careful about your actions. Do not talk about your case with anyone  besides your attorney. Casual conversations, even with friends or family, can be used against  you in court. 

Also, avoid posting anything about your DUI on social media. Prosecutors may use posts or  pictures as evidence to undermine your defense. It’s best to stay off social media until your case is resolved. 

Step 7: Think About the Long-Term Consequences 

A DUI conviction will affect your life long after the legal process is over. It can impact your job,  insurance rates, and even your reputation. A first-time DUI conviction in Florida can potentially  be six months in jail, fines between $500 and $1,000, and a license suspension of up to a year.  Penalties are even harsher for repeat offenders. 

Given the potential long-term effects, it’s important to take every step to protect your future. An  experienced attorney can help to determine all available options, including plea deals or  diversion programs, to minimize the consequences. 


Facing a DUI arrest in Florida is daunting, but taking the right steps immediately can help to  protect your rights and significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Remain  calm, document everything, and contact an experienced DUI attorney right away. With the right  legal guidance, you can better safeguard your rights and future.

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