Google Ads vs Facebook Ads: Which is Better for Your Business?

In the world of digital marketing, businesses often find themselves debating between two of the most prominent advertising platforms: The two primary forms of advertising that affected their purchasing decisions of the target consumer products included Google Ads and Facebook Ads. It is, therefore, vitally important to choose the right platform for the right campaign, as the two vary in their effectiveness. Well, welcome to this blog as I take a closer look at perhaps the most supremely contested debate as to whether Google Ads or Facebook Ads is more fitting for your business in terms of Audience Targeting, Cost, and Intention among other factors. Web Spider Solutions, the digital marketing agency, can help your business in making the right choice and optimizing your ad campaigns.

1. Understanding the Basics

So before going straight to the comparison, allow me to explain what each of the platforms is all about.

  • Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords): Google Ads is PPC advertising with which is possible to advertise on Google’s search results and on other websites of the Google Display Network. One of Google Ads targeting options, which is most closely aligned to the intent of the searched content is the search intent targeting as opposed to the display intent targeting where the ads may appear in front of users who may not engage in a specific search for something.
  • Facebook Ads: While on the other hand, the Facebook Ads is a paid social advertising marketing. The advertisements are displayed on Facebook properties such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and other related apps. However, unlike Google’s platform, Facebook Ads entirely employs interrupt marketing, and this is the case because users are not seeking or searching for anything; the ads are instead displayed depending on what they, their demographics, and behaviours are.

2. Targeting Capabilities

Google Ads: Google Ads aims at reaching potential customers based on keywords, location and language, devices and websites interested in Display Network. Particularly perform remarkably well where there is a high volume of users with a high search intent. For instance, when a person types ‘best running shoes” on the Google search engine, it is understood that this person is already looking forward to buying a pair. This makes Google Ads very useful for targeting users that are at a further stage of the buyer’s journey.

Facebook Ads: Social targeting and specifically, the Audience Selection feature strengthen Facebook Ads’ presence on the market. The platform can therefore gather huge data about its users’ ages, gender, interests and even their purchasing power. This also makes it possible for advertisers to come up with highly targeted advertising campaigns. For instance, it is possible to target the demography of women within the ages of 25-35 years who are interested in fitness on the Facebook social platform. It is very effective for situations where you want to draw the attention of people who do not even know they need your brand or service.

3. Cost and Budgeting

Google Ads: Google Ads, in this case, majorly cost your bid depending on the relevant keywords that you want to use. Such keyword suggestions as ‘best insurance policy’ or ‘buy laptop online’ are considered to be more valuable and costly since the competition among the advertisers is high. Still, due to the fact that Google Ads is a PPC service, i.e., you are charged only when a person clicks on the link, it is inexpensive if you select the proper keywords and manage your campaigns appropriately.

Facebook Ads: Facebook Ads as a rule are considerably cheaper compared to Google Ads, particularly, for low competition niches regarding CPC. Due to this, Facebook Ads is cheaper for smaller businesses or start-up Companies compared to advertising in other mediums. Also, ad spending on Facebook can be controlled in the best way that is suitable for the budget of the business. There are daily or lifetime budget functions and with the help of it the system will adjust the campaign for the maximum result with the given budget.

4. Audience Intent

Another major distinction between the two sites is in the audience’s motivation to give information and receive details.

Google Ads: Google Ads are mostly based on the user’s intention. The customers are already expressing their needs or wants searching for something on Google, thus they are in most cases closer to buying a decision. It means that Google Ads are very useful for the direct conversion process because people will likely click on the link that directly meets their search.

Facebook Ads: Facebook Ads, in contrast, disrupt users’ activity, while they are using the social platform, commanding their attention to pay to the product or service advertised. Facebook users are Passive they have not gone on Facebook to look for your product or service, they are just scrolling through their news feeds or enjoying content. This may well sound like a disadvantage, however, it is the best time for business organisations to start creating awareness of their products, and build demand in the market. For instance, the user may have no intention of buying fitness equipment but will be compelled to buy after being attracted by the ad promoted product.

5. Ad Formats and Creative Flexibility

Google Ads: Google Ads provides users with options of ad types including text, responsive ads, shopping, and display. Nevertheless, it is mostly text based primarily because the main focal area in its usage is in the search section. This restricts the extent in which the advertisement is interactive in terms of appearing on the website. With these, there is more creativity concerning the images and videos than on Google Display Ads but they are usually placed on websites that Google does not own rather than Google search.

Facebook Ads: Facebook Ads on the other hand is far more graphic influenced. The platform accommodates image advertisement, carousel advertisement, video advertisement, slideshow and even interactive advertisement. It has this flexibility that enables brands to come up with unique and great looking content to its audiences. However, if your business belongs to fashion, food or any other kind of aesthetic sector than Facebook Ads might provide more opportunities to advertise your work.

6. Conversion Tracking and ROI

Google Ads: This is mainly because Google Ads is very effective in the tracking of direct conversion. Thus, with tools such as Google AnalyticsAdvertisers can get useful information about efficiency of the ads displayed. You can monitor each click and conversion down to the behaviour of the site which assists in enhancing the campaign for the greatest value for money.

Facebook Ads: Facebook also provides better conversion tracking solutions in the form of the Facebook Pixel. One of its biggest advantages is that it measures everything from the number of times a page was viewed to the number of purchases made from a particular campaign. However, owing to the fact that the conventional Facebook Ads are mostly used to target engagement and brand identity, rather than conversion rates, the results of the ad may take longer to pay off depending on the kind of ad campaign you are running.

7. Which Platform is Best for Your Business?

Therefore, whether to use Google Ads or Facebook Ads depends on various factors that include the business objectives of the company and target audience among others. If you need to reach out to a wider audience equipped with a high purchase intent and convert them as soon as possible, Google Ads must be considered the best choice. This is especially useful for companies who may be marketing individual goods and services that people are consciously in the lookout for.

Alternatively, if you aim at generating brand recognition, user interaction, and getting to as many as possible based on like pages or actions taken, Facebook Ads is the best. It is most importantly effective for the companies, which deal with the visual aspects of their services, like fashion, lifestyle, or entertainment companies.


Facebook Ads along with Google Ads offer specific value based on business objectives and target market. Significantly a lot of firms can gain from making use of both platforms to form a well-organized digital marketing plan. Companies can evaluate performance of ads on both platforms by using PPC advertising services to find the best outcome.

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