Jaaikaran Chanana- The person empowering the children with power of education to improve their lives.


 Jaaikaran Chanana.

Education is a child’s birthright and vital for their overall growth. But some circumstances make this difficult and impacts a child’s educational journey. Jaaikaran Chanana, a person whose heart beats for the children in need recognises this journey. Education should be free for everyone but sadly it is not the reality and many things affect kids. Sometimes poverty whereas at other times circumstances like war impacts children. Children are the first to be impacted by such ongoing humanitarian crisis. The same holds true for children residing in refugee camps whose education has halted due to war and are now forced to live in refugee camps.

Jaaikaran Chanana feels education is the must for every child in giving then the rightful place in the world. Hence, with this mission, the campaign for educating the children in refugee camps through the” Play for Ukraine” campaign was born. The charity’s focal point are the children and Jaaikaran feels education is the best way to bring the smile back on children’s faces again.

His educational campaigns.

Education is at the forefront of the “Play for Ukraine” campaign. And this movement has gained momentum from association with organisations like the UNICEF, Voice for children and United way. The education is provided solely in local languages as children associate themselves better with their own language. This has driven more kids towards education and are improving their lives. This will make them a better human being and a world class citizen. The education is provided in a fun manner through digital methods like YouTube and local teachers. The local teachers are the core strength go the play for Ukraine campaign. The kids in the camp are introduced to all subjects and taught in local language only. This has proven crucial in bonding with kids. And this bond is essential to make their lives simple and joyful again.

We provide education in all the refugee camps to every age group. Jaaikaran Chanana’s education for all is slowly bringing back the smiles and hope for children in the relief camps. It is a rarity to find such people and the \world needs more of such people. Our staff are trained by local experts to teach in the local language. This is done with the help from local NGO’S and sometimes by hiring volunteers to teach the kids. This is a unique initiative adopted solely by Jaaikaran to widen the approach and make the education a global phenomenon. It also raises the awareness amongst the local youth and draws them towards philanthropic work.

The Bond:

Innocence is a child’s primary nature. Their smile is potent to remove any sorrow and initiate an unbreakable bond. It’s our duty to foster this bond through the power of education and values. We believe in this policy while forming the bond through the power of language. In refugee camps around the eastern Europe, education along with football is our primary focus. We interact with the kids in their own language to form an inseparable and lasting bond. This allows us to address their needs in a better manner. Jaaikaran Chanana’s “Play for Ukraine” campaign is unique and smart. Initiative to support the education in their local language. Unlike the other NGO’S, we believe in educating them in their own language. We enlist the help of local teachers and NGO’S to form an initial bond. This charity thrives on its associations with recognised and world class organisations like UNICEF, voices for children to take this movement forward. This holds the power to make the world a better place and promote peace. Peace is vital for a happy and healthy childhood. We believe in the power of education to make the world a better place and emerge as a beacon of hope for the war-torn world.

Jaaikaran Chanana’s unique movement holds the prowess to change the world. And revive the lost childhood by harnessing the power of education. It is time for the world to acknowledge and join hands with this movement called” Play for Ukraine”.