What’s the Future for Web Design?

Web design, the principles of online publishing and back-end hosting services, has been around for several decades now. It is no longer the cutting-edge business that it once was, when nearly every company in the United States was shifting from an analog manner of marketing themselves to a digital one. That said, modern web design is still very current and it is constantly evolving as the power of digital tools continues to develop. Find out what industry experts are saying about the future of web design today. 

More Self-Designed Websites
Although professional web design and development agencies will continue to exist long into the future, there is likely to be an ongoing upward tick in the number of businesses – especially among start-ups and SMEs – that use self-design tools. Typically, these tools are provided by a web hosting service. So-called website builder software tools allow almost anyone to put together fully functioning websites even if they have no previous graphic design or technical experience. This is beneficial to smaller enterprises with limited budgets for digital marketing who want to try their hand at it for themselves, especially if such tools are included within the hosting and domain name registration fee. By building their own websites, entrepreneurs can put their unique stamp on their online identity and even build brand recognition that can rival much more established firms.

Growth in Web Design Demand
As recent reports have shown, the demand for professional web design services looks set to grow until 2032 at the least. This is being driven by the need for many businesses to update old websites to make them more localized or mobile-friendly. In addition, many companies want specific websites for certain sub-brands or products these days so they can market them to certain demographics or target customers. Given the same digital marketing techniques can be applied just as well to multiple websites as they can one, why not have three or four? This phenomenon is also driving demand for web design services.

More Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The future of web design looks promising, but it never stands still. Not too many years ago, web designers were rushing to add widgets or embedded videos to their sites. These days, it is more likely that websites will be upgraded with AI elements that tailor the visitors’ user experience so that everything is presented in the most favorable way. Of course, AI runs chatbots on many sites already, helping users to interface with them in a more meaningful manner. Nevertheless, web developers all over the country are already looking at other ways to harness AI so that it can present products at the right price points to meet customer expectations, for example. AI can also be leveraged to depict certain content to different demographic groups if their identity can be established through big data metrics. What’s more, AI is probably going to be at the forefront of running voice-activated websites soon, as well.

Digital marketing continues to evolve and web design goes hand-in-hand with it in many cases. So long as web designers continue to keep pace with these changes, their future looks prosperous. 

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