Getting The Right Communication To Improve Your Mood: Lessons From Livebeam

Communication is a highly potent tool. We call it a tool because of its many use cases. Think about all the doors that communication has opened for you. Right from when you were a little baby, saying some simple words could get you the attention or candy you wanted.

The multiple implementations of communication is a topic worth discussing. It has penetrated into every niche possible: lifestyle, business, academics, friendship, politics, and everything you could think of. This article will be looking at how it also has found its way into the health niche.

We will be looking at the connection between communication and mood. Better yet, we would be looking at how to improve this partnership so that you can improve your mood through communication. To crown it all, we would be using a sufficient social networking platform as a case study for this improvement. With that in order, let’s take a quick look at the platform called Livebeam.

An Introduction to Livebeam

Before we dive into the proper ways of mixing communication and mood, we would take a quick look at Livebeam. It is a communication platform that seeks to connect people from all over the world, in turn creating genuine conversations and bringing down boredom and loneliness.

The social networking platform is only currently available on the web. It is open to all adults and has features structured to conquer many strategic communication aspects. This includes:

  • Meeting compatible individuals
  • Engaging people online
  • Encouraging bonds through communication
  • Encouraging sharing and exchange of information
  • Promoting friendship online

The platform maintains a community-styled approach to its setup and has been able to interconnect several users this way. This is one of the main reasons why it’s our choice of discussion for today. The communal feel of the platform, along with the intentional actions of users to interact and communicate, genuinely puts it as a well-fitted platform in contributing to the positives that can come about from communication and mood in one picture.

Communication and Mood: the Right Way

Our mood needs protection. We need to, at all times, find interactions, activities, and involvements that only serve our mood positively. The type of communication we have online is on top of the list of important things to take note of. You should take cognizance of things like:

  • The type of people you chat with
  • The type of media you use to chat
  • The content you consume
  • The way we react to messages

As a point of professionalism, we bring to you 5 things that are necessary to have in your typical communication that can help solidly preserve and improve your mood.

1.  Honesty

Take a walk down memory lane and think about how you felt when you caught someone close to you in a lie. We bet it was awful. Falsehood could ruin friendships and that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is that it leaves the person that was lied to worse off. This is why we believe that honest communications are the most important part of a good partnership between communication and mood.

Interact with people who are original, who are being themselves, and who have no problem being true to you. LIvebeam has a stronghold in this aspect. The online community promotes originality. The users are comfortable staying true to their original nature, so you need not worry much about having a friend who is living a lie.

2.  Emotional Intelligence

Now, we move on to the most important soft skill needed for every good conversationalist to have, and that’s emotional intelligence. There is more safety when having conversations with individuals who are emotionally intelligent. With this soft skill, there is utmost intention directed at communication and mood.

An emotionally intelligent person can make sure they are aware of how every topic makes you feel and may only give adequate responses. They take caution not to hurt your feelings harshly, and also make sure they don’t insult or offend you unintentionally. It is truly a trait for friends and well-meaning people.

3.  Non-Judgemental

We would say this could be counted as a direct branch of emotional intelligence, but it is essential to discuss this as a standalone feature. To better protect your mood you need to communicate with people who do not spend most of their time judging or making derogatory statements at you.

Once again, Livebeam earns a flower here. The Livebeam community has a longstanding value of not persecuting people for who they are. The platform promotes self-expression and frowns against judging inadequately. All types of people, race, culture, and gender are very much welcome on Livebeam and that’s what your mood needs – acceptance.

4.  Fun

Negative factors are not the only thing that affects our mood. The absence of positive factors could have similar unwanted effects on it. Laughter and joy are very much welcome to keep your mood stable, and these are things that could easily be gotten from the right communication.

Most people on Livebeam have chat buddies on the platform that keep them company, share fun and exciting moments with them, and make them feel alive. Everyone needs to have that special person. The best part is you can have more than one. There are so many cheerful people on Livebeam and it’s such an exciting place to be.

5.  Genuineness

This is the leading intentional aspect of Livebeam. The networking platform’s goals are directed at pursuing genuine conversations for its users. Genuine conversations consist of almost everything discussed today and more: it is honest, intentional and compassionate, and it leaves a lasting impact.

The impact left by genuine conversations has a positive influence on mood and that is why we rate Livebeam well enough to consider it for achieving this goal. We should all strive to take actions that bode well for our mood.

Notice that this article is not professional advice and shouldn’t be used to treat any conditions.

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