How to Choose a Heat Pump For Heating The House?

Heat pumps have been successfully used in everyday life and industry in Europe and the USA for more than 25 years. This is a popular way of heating and cooling houses, it is environmentally friendly, economical, and easy to use. If you are thinking about installing modern house maintenance equipment or are looking for heat pump replacement services in Sacramento, CA, this article is for you.

Types of Heat Pumps

The source of energy for a heat pump can be air, soil, or water. Let’s look at the features of each type of system.


This is the simplest system. The operating principle is based on heat consumption from the surrounding air. A collector is not required, because street air immediately enters the evaporator and transfers heat to the refrigerant. Heated air enters the room through internal walls or floor units. Essentially, this is a large air conditioner.

The advantages of such a system:

  • ease of installation;
  • low price and quick payback;
  • quick heating of the room;
  • can be used as an air conditioner in the summer.

Among the disadvantages of such a system:

  • performance depends on the outside temperature. Manufacturers often indicate that models operate at temperatures down to -30°C, but below -15°C performance may not be enough to maintain comfortable indoor conditions;
  • this type of heat pump does not heat water for the hot water supply system, so you will have to use another heat source.


This system is similar to the previous one, but heat is transferred to water, which circulates in the heating system. Such pumps are relatively easy to install, and the investment pays off quickly, but the efficiency depends on the outside temperature. Before implementing such a solution, it is necessary to analyze the average temperatures in the region and the number of frosty days.

A special feature of this system is the ability to reheat water thanks to the energy received from solar panels. You can use separate or built-in electric heaters (this solution is suitable for the coldest days).


If there is a reservoir or shallow groundwater nearby, then the heat supply can be organized at their expense. The collector is laid on the bottom of the reservoir or two wells are drilled (in the case of groundwater). Thus, the coolant transfers heat to the refrigerant. The design of the heat pump differs depending on which heat source is selected.


In this case, thermal energy is taken from the water in a reservoir or well and transferred to an air heating system (warm air will flow into the room from floor or ceiling valves). The main condition for installing such a pump is the presence of a reservoir or groundwater.


Soil is the most stable heat accumulator. At a depth below the freezing temperature, the soil always has a positive temperature. The depth of freezing will be different for different regions, but even in the most severe areas at a depth of 2-2.5 m, the soil no longer freezes; in the southern regions, this figure is less than 1 m. The most important thing is that there is soil in any area, and therefore the system heating systems can be built almost anywhere.

Selecting the type of heating system and installing or replacing a heat pump is best left to professionals. If you are in the Sacramento area, we recommend turning to Alpha Mechanicals.

Pros And Cons of Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are actively used in the USA, Europe, and Japan. More and more people are choosing this equipment after analyzing all their advantages.

The advantages of heat pumps are obvious:

  • saving on heating;
  • minimal time spent on system maintenance, no need to periodically add fuel;
  • the house can be left for a long time during the heating season without fear that something will happen to the heating system;
  • complete environmental friendliness, because there are no harmful emissions, and the refrigerant used is safe;
  • the ability to use the system almost anywhere;
  • versatility (the heat pump can be used not only for heating but also for cooling or hot water supply).

There are a few disadvantages, but they may be important for some people:

  • large capital investments at the initial stage;
  • when the temperature drops below -15 °C, the efficiency of almost all heat pumps is greatly reduced.

What Should You Consider When Choosing a Heat Pump?

It is recommended to install a heat pump when other equipment is unprofitable. First of all, it is worth assessing the situation according to the following parameters:

  1. Room type. If we are talking about a house where people live year-round, it is necessary to choose a system that can uninterruptedly provide heat and hot water, for example, “air-to-water” or “ground-to-water”. If the house is used for relaxation and occasional visits, then the simplest air-to-air pump will be sufficient;
  2. Location region. It is worth assessing the climate, because if the region is very cold, then the air-to-air system is no longer necessary due to its low efficiency. It is also worth taking into account the presence of reservoirs, the location of groundwater, the possibility of drilling, the possibility of locating a horizontal or vertical ground collector;
  3. House area. For rooms larger than 250 m2, ground-water systems are best suited. For a house less than 200 m2, you can get by with a cheaper air-water system. Retail premises and offices can even be equipped with an air-to-air system;
  4. Air conditioning. Ground-to-water and water-to-water systems have the option of passive cooling without the use of a compressor. An air-to-air system can also provide cooling but will consume more electricity.

Final Thoughts

Since choosing, calculating, installing, and starting a heat pump is a very serious and complex matter, we recommend entrusting everything from start to finish to professionals. Errors will lead to insufficient power, constant freezing of the coolant, and breakdowns. We recommend contacting Alpha Mechanicals, which provides quality heat pump installation and replacement services in Sacramento, CA.


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