How A Card Game Can Help You Travel The World

Are you ready to embark on a journey like no other? If you’ve been looking for a game night experience that can take you around the world, look no further because we’ve found THE ONE. Trip Chaser is the ultimate armchair travel game for competitive people. Perfect for travel nerds and those who are still dreaming about their global escapades, find yourself being whizzed off into an all-out game night revolution where card games are taken to the next level.

Seasoned nomads Dalene and Pete Heck spent 8 years circling the globe, visiting 60 countries before settling back down in Canada. They were even announced as National Geographic’s Travelers of the Year in 2014. Upon returning to Canada in 2016, they decided to combine their knowledge and adventures and turn it into something special. Inspired by real-world travel scenarios sprinkled with a ton of humor, the right balance of fun and laughter, mishaps, and strategic gameplay, Trip Chaser was born.

Once upon a time: How it all began

Dalene and Pete’s story is one of resilience and creativity for more reasons than one. After discovering their passion for travel, they set out to conquer the world. Their urge to travel led them to purchase a one-way ticket to South America in 2009, where they planned to go backpacking for a year. However, one year wasn’t long enough. Dalene and Pete had fallen in love with the world, traveling, and all it had to offer. It even inspired them to start their own travel blog, Hecktic Travels. It wasn’t until they had ticked off 60 countries from their list and a total of 8 nomadic years that life told them it was time to go home. But after 8 years on the road, how do you decide that enough is enough? For Dalene and Pete, it wasn’t a want, it was a need. 

Dalene’s sudden diagnosis of leukemia forced them back to Canada for treatment. With a whole new battle to face, the couple buckled down and prepared themselves for a completely different challenge, the fight for Dalene’s life. Luckily, being the strong-minded and perseverant woman that she is, Dalene fought cancer and beat it; a triumphant chapter in their lives that took them through a whole new level of wandering into the unknown. With Dalene back on her feet and in good health, the next question was: where to next? 

Sadly, fate wasn’t on their side. COVID-19 hit, and the couple, along with the rest of the world, was on lockdown. Traveling was now out the window, but that didn’t stop Dalene and Pete from continuing their passion for travel. In fact, it was here that a long-lost idea they had previously discussed was born.

Trip Chaser: What is it and what makes it unique?

Trip Chaser blossomed into a fan favorite and was sold out in just 3 weeks in Canada! The armchair travel game is perfect for competitive people looking to prove who’s the most travel-savvy by buying, bartering, and gambling their way to various destinations. The more challenging a destination is to get to from North America, the more points it’s worth! Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins humble bragging rights for life. Sounds fun? It’s only just getting started! 

The goal is to travel the most and earn the most points. From acquiring Destination Cards and the required amount of cash to travel, to trading cards, cutting costs, and even purchasing trip insurance to save you from Event Cards that could cause a catastrophe, this game is all about being travel-savvy and, of course, having lots of fun! Perfect for 2-6 players and suitable for 10-year-olds and above, expect to be indulged for hours as you make your way across the globe.

And we must say, the artwork is absolutely stunning! 

Many games promise adventure but end up delivering confusion and boredom. Here’s what makes Trip Chaser unique:

  • Engaging Gameplay: Players navigate travel mishaps and adventures, using strategy and wit to reach destinations.
  • Relatable and Fun: Event cards reflect true travel scenarios, providing endless laughter and relatability.
  • Compact and Portable: Ideal for travel, Trip Chaser is designed to be taken anywhere.
  • Eco-Friendly: For every game sold, a tree is planted, supporting environmental sustainability.

Visit Trip Chaser for full instructions, rules, and instructions on how to play. Dalene and Pete have also released Trip Chaser postcards, another way for you to enjoy the beautiful art Trip Chaser proudly boasts. Stay connected throughout your travels, hang the postcards on your wall, or gather around with your loved ones and friends to play. Whatever you decide to do, we wish you happy travels! 

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