SMS Legal Explores How AI is Transforming Personal Injury Litigation in the United States

USA- We are officially in the age of artificial intelligence. It is already reshaping industries worldwide. To be precise, companies around the globe have already begun cutting down on their workforce in favor of hiring individuals with AI experience or to cover jobs AI has replaced. 

In the realm of personal injury law, one question remains pertinent, can AI help lawyers win personal injury cases? 

How AI is Reshaping Personal Injury Litigation 

To answer this question, we will take a look at how attorneys are utilizing artificial intelligence. A prime example is the generation of demand letters from raw documents like police and medical reports. 

“AI generated demand letters are a game-changer for lawyers all around the US,” says, personal injury attorney Arthur Schechter

Notably, artificial intelligence has the capacity to streamline operations within the personal injury space. The aforementioned illustration is just one of the ways lawyers are leveraging this emerging technology for their day to day tasks. 

Legal professionals are also using artificial intelligence for research, saving tons of time. And with time, more and more avenues for integration will arise.

The Future

But this begs the question, will artificial intelligence replace personal injury attorneys? 

Lets make things clear, this technology can help personal injury attorneys win cases in one way or another, but it is less likely to replace them entirely any time soon. 

There are many reasons this status quo will likely remain unchanged for years to come. For one, litigation is a complex and sensitive aspect of our society. It directly touches upon the lives of those involved. As such, leaving negotiation and case representation at the hand of machines may not be the best idea. 

On top of that, victims of personal injury need a helping hand, someone capable of empathy, offering emotional and legal guidance as they navigate the nuances of litigation. This title will probably remain with human personal injury attorneys for a long time. 

What To Do if You Suffer Personal Injury

If you have suffered harm because of  another’s negligence or intentional tort, it is imperative that you speak to a qualified personal injury attorney. With their guidance, your chances of winning compensation increase. 

Handling negotiations with insurance agents is what these individuals do on a day to day basis. They understand the tactics adjusters use to undermine victim’s claims, empowering them with the legal acumen to advocate for maximum compensation on your behalf. 

However, if the negotiation process hits a brick wall or you are unsatisfied with the settlement offer, your case will proceed to trial. Your personal injury attorney will gather evidence, track down witnesses and even hire expert witnesses to prove your claim. 

They will use their persuasive tactics to advocate for maximum compensation in court, ensuring the judge and jury are aware of your injuries and how they have affected your life. 

Worried about the prices? 

Don’t be. Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis. This basically means that they get their pay if and only when the case is won, although, some lawyers require a small retainer fee.

Before hiring an attorney, be sure to ask them about their preferred payment method, whether they charge on a contingency, flat fee, or hourly basis. 

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