You Should Know These 3 Before Living and Working In The UK

Living and working in the UK may be amazing because of its rich history, delicious food and drink, stunning scenery, and energetic cities. Additionally, there are excellent chances for both career and personal growth that are difficult to locate elsewhere. But it’s not as easy as boarding a plane and flying to work; there are a few practical things you need to arrange to ensure everything runs smoothly. We are here to discuss three of them! 


First up, you need to get a visa to enable you to work in the UK. There are a few different ways to do this, one of the most common is if you’re moving to the UK and are continuing to work for the same company you currently do but in a UK based office. Often you can get a visa through this path when you’re staying with the same company. Skilled work visas are also popular if you have a specific profession, which includes either working for a government approved UK employer, do a job that’s on the list of eligible occupations or be paid a minimum salary in the UK. As part of this you must also be able to speak, read and write English. 

Another option is to choose an industry that’s in demand to get a visa that way, which is mainly the Health and Care Worker visa. There are plenty more examples of different types of working visas you can get, but before you make any plans to move to the UK, your priority should be identifying which visa is best suited to you and to make sure it’s secured. Working with immigration Lawyers London based is an ideal way to get the right visa and to take some of the stress away from you! 


Something else to consider before your move to the UK is tax. When you move to the UK you will need to start making contributions to the tax system, either through the Pay As You Earn scheme where tax will automatically be deducted from your salary through your employer, or by declaring your own tax if you work for yourself. Ensuring this is correctly set up when you’re living and working in the UK is really important as you don’t want to end up with a hefty and unexpected bill at the end of everything! 


Last but not least, if you’re moving to the UK with a young family, the cost of childcare must be considered. The average cost of a nursery in the UK for a full time space (50 hours a week) is £305 per week. Children of British citizens are entitled to 30 hours of free childcare a week once their child turns 3, then regardless of immigration status, every child living in England gets 15 hours free once they turn 3. However, this is still expensive with the subsidy and so if you have a young family, taking this cost seriously is so important, particularly if you have more than one child. 

Final Thoughts

Whether its understanding what you need to qualify for indefinite leave to remain within the UK or how often your children need care, it’s best to educate yourself on the unique lifestyle and laws that are within the UK before moving.

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