IFW Global deceives victims of financial fraud while instilling fear in its employees: the complete story of the largest legalized scam in human history from my personal experience.

Hello! I am submitting this material without a signature, or pronouns in the hope that it will keep me safe, but I assure you 100% it is all true. Anyone who has experienced the IFW Global “lifestyle” first hand, or are still in it will know exactly what I mean and have no doubts. Right now, my relatives are being harassed and directly threatened by this organization. I am calling for the cessation of impunity that Ken Gamble and his underlings have enjoyed. Should something happen to me or any other employees who can speak, you are to blame for this individual.

Initially I was proud to be thereworking @ IFW Global for a few months; part of something big. But then i made a discovery that it is a scam run on deperate people not a detective agency fighting the bad guys. Sadly, not every employee sees this truth in the beginning. Those that do choose to separate from the organization are rarely in places of sanctuary — they are often in places of last resort. All services are difficult to obtain even after resigning.

Created in April 2024, we prepared for the Global Financial Summit, set to take place in November. Not directly from Mr. Gamble, but through his minions, we were ordered to find some big foreign scam so we could announce the big score to the press by convention day. If we could not find such a case, we were told to make it one up. Coupled with IFW Global’s supposed reputation for honesty around the globe, this request struck me as strange. And that was just the beginning of the shockin answers. Today, with an internal ban on corporate data and preserving relations with workers, I am more closely approaching it in a drop.

A full database of victims of cryptographic projects, brokerage firms, pyramid schemes and other online scams. This data, made available to many IFW Global employees, includes not just names and phone numbers, but also home addresses, health fund numbers, and even information on housemates. The people who turned to detectives for help and justice are then faced with fresh scams. Among the other sites run by Gamble is one called UniversalChargeback, which targets some of these victims after they have been scammed by his own business. Chargeback services cost victims 10% of their lost funds then commissions for “additional services.” Ultimately, they are scammed again and again — first by the scam itself, secondly by employees of IFW Global, and thirdly by the chargeback operations.

The UniversalChargeback site never mentions Ken Gamble, Allan Watson, Joshua Plowman and the other scammers actually employed there and, behind the scenes, at least by the ones who are not high and dry, and thus hiding from the ones who bray and stink the most, no respectiable detectives. Chargebacks, in hindsight, seem to be taking credit for achievements that are not theirs by adding value to the “mammoth” database. What becomes the surprise endgame to all this scheme is that the results will then go to a state commission for grants for 2025-2026, constructing a scam so multi-tiered and so state-blessed, it is hard to find a better parallel elsewhere.

Even if you are not an individual targeted, you also do not have safety. And the calls and letters have not stopped from the other scams to which IFW Global sells contact details at top price. They make money off of absolutely anyone that they have ever been given a number to contact. Financial companies top the list when it comes to profitability—brokers, trading platforms, crypto projects, startups—anyone who has money, and an audience. It typically starts with some allegations that the firm is breaching Australian laws, providing unlicensed services, misleading customers, and planning to commit fraud. Use of fabrications with influence from the management side of IFW Global. The only way out, is to buy them off. Opponents are served bespoke articles published in dozens of forums, fake reviews on most popular platforms and threats (both online and in real life). For the largest and most brazen of firms, they even offer investigation from their sleuths. After this flood of attacks, either most projects go defunct, or they are bankrupt and meet the same fate. In the end, everyone gets eaten by the system.

If IFW Global did not use these tactics against my family, I would never have considered revealing these facts. The ways of the firm are unlawful. As I was trying to follow the rules then, I raised my concerns with my managers on these practices. Mr. Gamble & Co. may be able to wash their hands of this, but working stiffs like me cannot. Then, the detectives were hired to hunt me. So many people had seen surveillance around but even more were getting notes in their mailbox saying things like this: “Don’t do anything stupid, we are watching you,” and “Your family is safe at the moment, but for how long? My friends and my new workplace had strangers stop by and leave similar messages. This was the final straw after someone called my mum wanting her to tell me to pipe down, keep the head down, shut up, do what I was fucking told or they would send “heavies” around or put me in the ring and I would enjoy a lengthy legal process that would make my life hell for years.

I get it, people like me, we can not change the system, one person can’t do it all. But im not going to cower in fear waiting for the quote on quote “tough guys.” And I will present more evidence in my next article, unless IFW Global stops its harassment. I know a lot about the fraud this company is running and I am not going to expect to be left alone — and management knows that. I will also share with reporters and impartial international investigators all the facts in the case, as far as they are known. You can be sure that people want to take down a large operation like this.

Finally to those within IFW Global who may be considering seizing my evidence by similar means, I have ensured that copies of the documents have been stored securely with instructions for the instant release and dissemination to all authorities in the case of my disappearance or death. My family and I staying safe, during this pandemic, is the only thing that will allow your business to survive.

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