How to Set Up and Customize Viva Connections for Your Organization

Viva Connections is the app to help make each employee feel connected and up to date with each other and the organization. The platform was made to help bring together all company news, resources and tools in one central place. It can be a great tool to keep your employees informed and engaged and to give them easy access to the information they need to do their jobs.

There are many reasons why your top IT Support London based providers are recommending to organizations to set up and customise Viva Connections. For starters, Connections directly aims to improve employee engagement and productivity by providing a platform where employees can access the information and tools they need to do their jobs. It has also proved to help create a sense of community and belonging among employees.

Another added benefit is the fact that the platform is known to help reduce the costs that are associated with employee training and support. Because the platform provides a central place that is easy to use for employees to find any information that they could need, it ultimately helps reduce the number of tickets and calls that IT departments normally receive.

Before setting up and customising Viva Connections it’s important to first start with a plan. Think about what information and tools you want to include in Viva Connections. Who will be using Viva Connections? What are your goals for using Viva Connections? Once you have a solid plan in place, you can start setting up and customising the platform.

Setting up Viva Connections

Setting up Viva Connections is a fairly simple and straightforward process. To set up Viva Connections follow these 8 steps:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Teams admin centre and navigate to Apps > Manage apps.
  2. Select the Viva Connections app and click Enable.
  3. Go to the Microsoft Teams admin centre and navigate to Viva Connections > Experiences.
  4. Click New Experience and enter the name and description of your experience.
  5. Click the Permissions tab and select the users or groups who need to have access to the experience.
  6. Click the Audiences tab and select all users or groups who need to see the experience.
  7. Click the Dashboard tab and add or remove cards as needed. You can also customise the layout of the dashboard at this stage but it can be changed at any time.
  8. Click Enable.

Customising Viva Connections

Now that your Organizations Viva Connections platform is set up, providers of IT Support in London highly suggests customising it to make sure it’s tailored to your specific needs. There are several ways to do this:

  • Customize the dashboard: You can add, remove, and edit cards on the dashboard to include the necessary information and tools that should be the most important to your employees.
  • Add and edit branding: You can easily add your organization’s specific branding to the Viva Connections platform such as your logo and colours.
  • Add and edit navigation: It’s important to add and edit the navigation links in Viva Connections. This allows you to control how employees navigate through the experience and ensure it’s as simple and straightforward as possible.
  • Add and edit resources: resources such as links to websites, documents, and tools can be added to the platform. You can also edit existing resources at any time.
  • Manage permissions: For security and compliance it’s essential to manage permissions for Viva Connections. This allows you to better control who has access to the experience and what they can do within it.

Now that your organization Viva Connections is fully set up and customised, there are a number of things to still do for a successful launch.

It’s unlikely that you will get it right the first time so the first thing that providers of Office 365 Consulting London Services suggest is to test and refine the experience. This means testing the platform out with a small group of chosen users with the aim of getting valuable feedback. This feedback should be used to make changes and improvements to make sure that the platform is easy to use and that it includes the information and tools that users really need.

Next is launching the platform to the rest of the users and communicating with them about it. This means letting each employee who has access know about the platform and how to efficiently use it. Ideally, this should be done through emails and training sessions.

And lastly, make sure that after Viva Connections is launched you must continue to monitor usage and feedback from users. This will help you to identify areas where you can improve the platform. There will always be ways to improve the platform, especially as the organization grows.

By following these steps, you can set up and customize Viva Connections to meet the specific needs of your organization and help your employees to be more informed, engaged, and productive. Connections can be an invaluable tool to your organization’s arsenal and in comparison to many other platforms and tools, it’s relatively simple to set up and manage.

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